What Products Are Not Worth Saving On

Thrift is very good, but in pursuit of it, we often either completely abandon some products, or try to buy the cheapest. However, a low price does not always guarantee good quality. The production of some products is very labor intensive, and therefore their cost is quite high. Certain products simply cannot cost little.

In the article, we understand what exactly you do not need to save on and what products you cannot deprive yourself of in order to be healthy.


Red meat, especially low-fat varieties like beef or veal, is very expensive, and therefore it is often abandoned in favor of poultry or semi-finished products. Of course, chicken should also be in the diet, but it is not at all advisable to replace meat with cheap cutlets. High-quality semi-finished products cannot cost much cheaper than the raw product from which they are made, because certain ingredients and resources were spent on their production. Cheap cutlets and sausages are often made from not the best products. In addition, sugar and salt are added in large quantities to semi-finished products, and these are extra calories and a load on the digestive system.

Chicken also cannot fully replace meat, because, in addition to animal protein, it contains a lot of iron. It is necessary for the human body for normal blood formation. Iron-deficient people are often depressed and experiencing constant fatigue.

Eat enough meat 1-2 times a week. To save money on beef, you can save a little on chicken. Buy a whole carcass and cut it yourself, it will turn out much more profitable than taking ready-made fillets or thighs.

A fish

Fish is a product that is not only saved on, but in general is very rarely included in the diet. Theoretically, everyone knows that it contains a large amount of vitamins, but they are in no hurry to add to the menu for various reasons. For example, many people like salmon and certain fatty types of white fish, but they often cost 2-3 times more expensive than meat, and the available river is too bony, therefore it is inconvenient to eat it. Because of this, many people buy and cook only red fish on holidays. However, eating it so rarely means depriving your body of essential nutrients.

Fish contains a lot of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help to strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism. Fluoride, iodine, potassium and bromine are essential for children to grow fully. Vitamin A, which is even more abundant in fish than in meat, maintains healthy skin, nails and hair, and vitamin D is good for mental and physical activity.

For a complete healthy diet, fish should be eaten at least once a week. It was not for nothing that back in the USSR there was a so-called fish day in all canteens. It is advisable to eat red fish at least once a month, and pollock, blue whiting and haddock are perfect for a weekly diet. These are inexpensive varieties of marine white fish that contain all the essential nutrients.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables often seem like a whim that you don’t have to spend money on. Usually they are bought for children because “children should eat fruit”, but many adults hardly add them to their menu. Although these are exactly the foods that you need to eat every day.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are primarily an irreplaceable source of fiber, without which the gastrointestinal tract will not function properly. In addition, they contain a large amount of a variety of useful vitamins and minerals.

To prevent fruits and vegetables from taking away the lion’s share of the food budget, you need to follow a simple rule: watch out for seasonal products. Those products that are grown in greenhouses throughout the year are a priori more expensive than those that are naturally matured. This applies not only to those fruits and vegetables that grow in Russia. Seasonality is also characteristic of products brought from other countries.

Potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots and apples can be purchased at affordable prices throughout the year. Add them to your diet often! 

Milk products

Cottage cheese, sour cream and milk contain a lot of protein and calcium, so they should definitely be on the children’s menu.

Unfortunately, for the sake of obtaining a beautiful consistency, dairy manufacturers often use artificial stabilizers, add cheap preservatives and sugar. This increases the shelf life, reduces the cost of production and makes the product, if not harmful, then definitely useless. Therefore, it is better to buy products with a short shelf life, then it is most likely made from natural ingredients. Of course, such cottage cheese or sour cream will cost more, but in this case it is better not to save.

Vegetable oils

There is vegetable oil in every home, because it is regularly used to prepare many dishes. It is necessary for frying, dressing salads and baking. So the question of whether to buy oil or not is not worth it. The most important thing here is not to buy too cheap products. The technology for making good vegetable oil requires certain costs. This is especially true for olive. Indeed, for 1 liter of oil, you need to spend from 5 to 8 kilograms of olives, which are often harvested by hand. When buying cheap oils, you can easily come across a fake. For example, olive oil is often diluted with rapeseed oil.

Healthy vegetable fats, so essential for skin, hair and nails, can only be obtained from quality vegetable oils, so don’t skimp!

Products are exactly the kind of expense that you don’t need to spare money on. Be sure to keep your diet balanced. It will be much more expensive to regain your health later. 

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