You really have to try this recipe Baileys And whisky Soufflé with Raspberry Jelly!
- 8 plates (16g) of gelatine
- 280g raspberry puree
- 450 ml cream 35% fat
- 8 eggs
- 6 bars (12g) of gelatine
- 115g sugar
- 120ml Baileys liqueur
- 80 ml whisky
- For the raspberry jelly
- sugar – 100 g
Step-by-step recipe
Mix the eggs and sugar, place in a water bath for 5 minutes and heat through stirring, making sure that it does not set. Pass through a sieve, cool, add the whisky and liqueur and stir thoroughly. Soak the gelatine in cold water for 7 minutes and soften in a water bath. Lightly whip the cream, stir in the gelatine. Combine the cream with the egg mixture and stir slowly. Line the sides of the soufflé tin with a strip of parchment (the width of the strip should be larger than the height of the tin). Pour some of the soufflé mixture onto the bottom of the tin and leave in the refrigerator. Prepare the raspberry jelly. Combine the sugar and raspberry puree, then heat over a gentle heat and leave to simmer. Soak the gelatine, then soften in a water bath and stir into the raspberry puree. Take the dish out of the fridge and place the raspberry mixture on the frozen bottom of the soufflé. Fill with the remaining egg and butter mixture. Place in the refrigerator at 3°C until the soufflé has set. Remove the parchment carefully before serving. Garnish with the cocoa powder, chocolate shavings and caramel. Serve the fresh raspberries separately.