Which Foods Contain Vitamin A

The first vitamin in the vitamin alphabet, vitamin A or retinol, is the one everyone thinks of when it comes to eye problems. And it’s true, because the discovery of the effect of this group of vitamins on the mechanism of vision was even awarded the Nobel Prize! But don’t think that if you have a sharp eye and don’t suffer from hen blindness, you don’t have to worry about supplementing your body with Vitamin A. 

It is responsible for maintaining healthy bones and skin, and promotes the growth of teeth. Vitamin A deficiency decreases immunity and even man’s ability to reproduce. It’s even been nicknamed the “anti-infective vitamin” for its ability to protect the body from viruses. Retinols have been scientifically proven to prevent the growth of tumors.

Carotene is the most important source of Vitamin A. It comes from food and is converted into retinol, but carotene simply needs a fatty environment to do so. If you limit yourself to fat-rich foods, you don’t stand a chance of absorbing the vitamin. That’s why the most common dosage form of retinol is an oil solution. This also explains the tradition of drinking keratin-rich carrot juice with the addition of cream or a few drops of vegetable oil.  

You’re probably familiar with the popular revitol tablet: The two vitamins were put together only because E also greatly enhances the absorption of vitamin A.

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