How to Eat Healthy in The Office

The consequences of malnutrition are more strongly reflected in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Office workers sit at the computer all day and are primarily at risk. Due to low physical activity and an ill-considered diet, they are more likely to suffer from excess weight, digestive problems, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Putting together a balanced menu for meals in the office is not as difficult as it seems. Of course, this will require some effort and attention, but with our tips and recommendations, everything will definitely work out!

Where to begin

How to eat if you work in an office

It sounds strange, but you need to start your working day at home with a full breakfast. Many people skip their morning meal because they feel sorry for the time, want to sleep longer, or just too lazy to cook. It is much easier to buy coffee and a roll on the way.

Unfortunately, such food does not provide the required amount of vitamins and microelements, and subsequently can also have a bad effect on the stomach. In addition, baked goods are simple carbohydrates, and when working sedentary, you should limit their amount. It is carbohydrates that are converted into fat in the body when they are oversupplied.

An office worker’s morning menu should focus on proteins, so dishes with eggs are a priority. For example, scrambled eggs with spinach or scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese.

You should not completely exclude carbohydrates from the diet, because they are the main source of energy for the body. However, it is better to eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates – cereals, wholemeal bread. Another healthy breakfast option is a whole grain bread sandwich with avocado and poached egg.

It is also important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in the morning. They are high in fiber, which helps to improve bowel function.

Eating breakfast at home is a good habit. Try to work it out, do everything gradually. As soon as you wake up, drink some water to gently wake up the body. After 30 minutes you can sit down at the table. Of course, it is advisable to do exercises during this half hour – exercises will help awaken the appetite. Do not try to eat a whole bowl of porridge right away, eat a little at a time. Over time, your stomach will get used to receiving food at a certain time, and you will enjoy breakfast.

How to make it to lunch

Getting to the office by car or public transport takes a lot of energy, so on arrival at work, even after a hearty breakfast, sometimes you feel hungry. Have a snack before lunch. Proper nutrition means at least five meals, of which three are breakfast, lunch and dinner, and two are small snacks. Of course, with this mode, you need to reduce the number of servings, and then you can eat every 3-4 hours.

For a healthy snack, use cottage cheese or whole grain toast with a variety of spreads. Hummus, vegetable pate, or cottage cheese are good options. Cut fresh vegetables and fruits or make homemade chips.

In the afternoon, 2-3 hours after lunch, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink or eat a handful of nuts with dried fruits.

Do not eat pies, chocolates, sausage sandwiches and other fast food as a snack. These are simple carbohydrates that provide temporary satiety, but then reawaken the appetite. 

How to eat properly

If you divide the daily ration as a percentage, then the share of each meal will look like this:

  • breakfast – 20%
  • first snack – 10%
  • lunch – 40%
  • second snack – 10%
  • dinner – 20%

That is, lunch is the most dense meal. It should never be neglected. However, due to the workload, many office workers regularly skip lunch and settle for fast food, eating it right at the computer.

This approach is wrong for several reasons:

A full meal will help the body regain strength and spent energy, and work will be as efficient as possible.

The brain needs a break. If you do not take breaks, mental activity will decrease.

Sitting in one place for a long time is harmful to the body. It is advisable to get up every hour and do a warm-up, and at lunchtime – go for a walk for 10-15 minutes in the nearest square.

Following these simple recommendations will improve performance and overall well-being.

Homemade food delivered in a container is ideal for lunch. More recently, we have compiled a selection of simple second courses that you can take with you to work. If your office has a kitchen, bring fresh vegetables for a quick cut of the salad, or make it early at home.

If there is not enough time on weekdays in the evenings, try cooking on Sunday for several days at once. Let it not be one dish, but ingredients that can then be alternated and mixed with each other. For example, boiled beef, baked chicken, stewed vegetables, and two types of cereal side dishes.

A proper lunch is a combination of two courses: a soup with a salad of fresh vegetables or a main course with a salad.

Those who prefer to eat in canteens or cafes should choose a low-fat meal prepared with a little oil. It is also better to forget about sauces – these are extra carbohydrates, which will then remain on the waist. 

Translation results

Here is a list of foods that should be in the diet of an office worker:

Vegetables, fruits, bran, whole grains, flax seeds. With a sedentary lifestyle, digestion worsens, and, as a result, constipation occurs. The listed products contain a lot of fiber, which helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Turkey, chicken, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt. The body spends more energy on the digestion of protein, the metabolism is accelerated, and this is important when sedentary work.

Fatty fish, nuts, seeds, eggs. These foods have a positive effect on brain activity.

Legumes, cereals, durum wheat pasta. Complex carbohydrates provide long-term energy and prolong feelings of fullness.

Basic principles of office nutrition

Remember to drink water throughout the day. Buy a reusable bottle, fill it with filter water and place it on your work bench. Whenever you feel the urge to seize on something irritation or fatigue, it is better to drink water.

Try to eat at the same time: the body will get used to the established regime, and it will be easier to control hunger.

Move as much as possible. If you need to take a bus to the office, walk two or three stops. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. After every hour and a half, get up from the chair to warm up slightly. This will help the thought process as well.

To summarize, we will briefly list the basic principles of proper nutrition in the office:

  • Don’t skip breakfast.
  • Have healthy snacks before and after lunch.
  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates from the diet.
  • Add more protein to the menu.
  • Eat food at the same time.
  • Don’t eat at your desk, in a hurry, or on the go.
  • To drink a lot of water.

It will be difficult at first, but with the right diligence, it will work out, and healthy eating will become your habit!

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